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Drainage redevelopment Urbanstraße- Enzweg in Besigheim

In order to decentralise and redevelop an existing combined sewer, the Stadtbauamt Besigheim commissioned the creation of sewer columns DN 500 made of reinforced concrete by means of the micro-tunnelling method with unmanned guided pipe-jacking. The aim was to remove rainwater and polluted water separately in order to reduce the cleansing costs for waste in the nearby clarification plant. On account of the prevailing local conditions, the tunnelling operations had to be carried out from the cellar of a production plant belonging to a local business, in which the inspection shaft of the existing sewer system was located. Jacking in 2 directions was to take place from this shaft. In column 1, it was necessary to pass beneath a large number of supply lines, a storage building placed on piling and 2 main lines of the Deutsche Bahn AG. The tunnelling axis was located approx. 0.50 m away from the bored piles of the storage building. The subsoil alternated from stiff-plastic cohesive soil by way of an extremely stony material to compact sandstone. In column 2, the heading had to be executed in stiff-plastic cohesive soil and soft-plastic cohesive soil right up to filled zones. The heading operations were carried out successfully within 6 weeks with an AVN 600 tunnelling machine from the Herrenknecht GmbH without any incidents. Precise knowledge of the subsurface was of decisive importance for the selection of a suitable boring tool and in turn, for the successful conclusion of this construction project. A rock bore head was chosen for both the columns that had to be headed. After executing the reconnection work and the creation of the shaft structures, the new sewer section started Operating in May 1996.


  • Country: Germany
  • Region: Baden-Württemberg
  • Tunnel utilization: Utilities
  • Type of utilization: Sewage
  • Client: Stadt Besigheim, Stadtbauamt
  • Consulting Engineer: Ingenieurbüro Rauschmaier
  • Contractor: Züblin Sachsen GmbH
  • Main construction method: Trenchless
  • Type of excavation: Pipe jacking
  • No. of tubes: 1
  • Tunnel total length: 120 m
  • Cross-section: DN 500, reinforced concrete
  • Contract Volume: 350,000 DM
  • Construction start/end: February 1996 till April 1996