Elbtunnel, Lot 2, Shield-drives
The second part of the Elbe Tunnel comprises three tubes, which were driven by means of three specially constructed semi-mechanical shield machines. The shield diameter amounted to 11.08 m. The maximum prescribed thrusting force of the shield amounting to 100 MN was attained through 40 cylinders uniformly installed around the perimeter of the shield. The soil was removed and transferred to conveyor belts by means of 4 hydraulic excavators. The segments installed are of cast iron and are 14, 16 or 18 mm thick. Their maximum dimensions amount to 1.125 x 2.3 m. The gap between the segments and the soil was backfilled with mortar. The tunnel tube contains a two-lane carriageway for road traffic, the ventilation channel located beneath the roadway and the waste air duct located above the intermediate ceiling.
- Country: Germany
- Region: Hamburg
- Tunnel utilization: Traffic
- Type of utilization: Road tunnel
- Client: Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Main construction method: Trenchless
- Type of excavation: Shield machine (SM)
- Lining: Steel segments
- No. of tubes: 3
- Tunnel total length: 3208.7 m
- Contract Volume: 500 mill. DM, incl. 130 mill. DM for Lot 1
- Construction start/end: 1969-1975 (78 months)
- Opening: 1975