Heimt Tunnel, B10, Eislingen
A tunnel was essential to protect the nearby residential areas as part of the upgrading of the federal highway 10, Göppingen - Gingen. The carriageway's upper edge dips up to 5 m into the groundwater table so that the project was carried out with a watertight groundwater trough. The trough cross-section possesses a clear width of 24.8 m. The long ramp walls are formed by triangular plant niches - structurised wall surfaces with plant screens. The tunnel comprises a 2-cell rectangular cross-section with 1 m wide emergency footpaths. The tunnel's clear height amounts to 4.8 m. An operations room for the electrical equipment is set up at the north tunnel portal. The shallow trough and tunnel structure was produced by cut-and-cover with a sloping excavation pit. The floor of the trough and tunnel structure passes through a layer of Black Jura mudstones and clay marl stones throughout the tunnel itself and at the eastern ramp. Weathered loams and scree masses with extremely varying thicknesses are located above this layer. At the western ramp the floor passes through Black Jura marl with intrusions of marl limestone and limestone banks. The trough and tunnel structure was produced from watertight concrete in accordance with the "white tub" principle. The tunnel and trough structure were produced monolithically following the completion of the floor and wall sections. The block length was set at 10 m. The Streichenbach had to be realigned in conjunction with the construction scheme. After the tunnel was completed the Streichenbach was routed over the tunnel ceiling to a new rain retention basin to the east of the upgraded highway.
- Country: Germany
- Region: Baden-Württemberg
- Tunnel utilization: Traffic
- Type of utilization: Road tunnel
- Client: Land of Baden-Württemberg, RP Stuttgart
- Consulting Engineer: Spiekermann Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart
- Contractor: ARGE Bilfinger Berger AG, Max Früh GmbH & Co.KG, F. Kirchhoff Straßenbau GmbH & Co.KG
- Main construction method: Cut-and-cover
- Type of excavation: Excavator
- No. of tubes: 1
- Tunnel total length: 140 m (475 m including ramp sections)
- Cross-section: 2-cell rectangularframe; clear width: 11.70/11.65 m, clear height 4.80 m
- Contract Volume: approx. € 13 million
- Construction start/end: 2003 to 2005
- Opening: 2005