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Recommendation "Digital Design, Building and Operation of Underground Structures, Model requirements, Part 3: Ground Model" now published

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The recommendation "BIM Model Requirements, Part 3: Ground Model", first published in August 2022, is now also available in an English translation. 

The DAUB recommendation "Digital Design, Building and Operation of Underground Structures - BIM in Underground Construction" published in May 2019 was created with the aim of providing a basic understanding of the application of BIM in underground construction. Based on this recommendation, the publication of the Model Requirements Part 1 followed one year later, which contains the basic understanding of the model structure with uniform designations for typical tunnel construction objects and associated object information.

Within the framework of the development of further model requirements, the present document as Part 3 deals with the description of the ground with the aid of a digital ground model. Here, too, the focus is on the requirements from underground construction. Structural considerations for the organisation of the model including the linked information and the findings of first applications of the digital ground model in practice are described in this recommendation.

After an introduction and presentation of the existing practice, it is described, with reference to the recommendation published in May 2019, what contribution the ground model can make for the use cases described there. The central chapter in this recommendation is the "Requirements for the creation of a ground model". This is followed by the fields of action for further developments and a short outlook on individual aspects around the role of the ground model.

It can be assumed that this recommendation will be repeatedly adapted to the evolving practical experience and requirements in the coming years.

All DAUB recommendations (divided into the subsections BIM, Contract, Excavation, Extension, Occupational Health and Safety and Withdrawn) can be found in the download section .

This recommendation has been assigned to the sub-section "BIM (Building information modelling)".